Hello, my name is Joe Staples. I was the Executive Creative Director of Wieden+Kennedy Portland Oregon for four years. During this time I oversaw the Advertising, Technology and Design of brands such as Nike, Coca Cola, The MS Society, P&G, Verizon, Old Spice and Weight Watchers. Before running the Portland office I was the Creative Director of brands including Dodge, Chrysler, Jeep and Ram. During most of this period I didn’t have a drivers license. I love Jiu-Jitsu, bike riding and rebuilding fruit from fruit salad. I’m not a fan of flying. I am dyslexic. I don’t have any cartilage in my nose and I got through the whole cheque writing era without ever writing one. I live with my Wife Jessica, Son Sonny and Dog Archie. You can’t turn stupid off.